We offer financial services to Nonprofit Resource Center members in two main areas: bookkeeping and fiscal sponsorship. Additional consultation and review services are also available. For detailed information click here.
Grant Services
We offer a full range of grant seeking and proposal writing services exclusively for our members. We encourage all our member organizations to take advantage of a free initial consultation with our proposal writer, Rebecca Walkup, to talk about your programs and primary funding needs. For detailed information click here.
Member organizations can sign up to receive free access to the GrantFinder online grant search database from the comfort of your own office.
Oklahoma Foundation DataBook
Members receive a $25 discount on Oklahoma Foundation DataBook directory and database software including information on 1,126 Oklahoma foundations and detailed data on the 295 largest foundations in Oklahoma.
We offer training on a wide variety of topics tailored specifically for nonprofits. Members receive discounts on training. For a list of our trainings and prices, click here.
The training center is available for the community to rent for meetings, retreats, and other functions. Members receive a free reservation of the training center each quarter and discounted rentals thereafter.
Low Cost Background Checks
Neighbors Building Neighborhoods offers same day history background checks including criminal history and sex offender registry checks, social security number verification, and date of birth verification for a small fee.
Vision Service Plan
We are pleased to offer Vision Service Plan vision care benefits for our member organizations’ staff and volunteers. VSP benefits are extremely affordable and provide outstanding value in reduced vision care costs. Contact us for more information about setting up the program for your organization.